1 research outputs found

    Self-stabilizing cache placements in Manets

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    In ad-hoc networks mobile nodes communicate with each other using other nodes in the network as routers. Each node acts as a router, forwarding data packets for other nodes. There are many dynamic routing protocols to find routes between the communicating nodes. The bandwidth and power are limited in MANETs. Although routing is important in MANETs, the final task of MANETs is Data accessing. So, there is need to implement new techniques apart from routing for data access to save bandwidth and power. If some of the nodes in MANET is provided some of the services from internet Service Provider, then the other nodes also want to access these services. Then, there is a need for caching these services to reduce bandwidth and power; Caching the internet based services in MANETs is an important technique to reduce bandwidth, energy consumption and latency. If some of the nodes store the object data and code and acts as a cache proxies, then nodes near the cache proxies can get the requested data from the cache proxy rather than from a far away server node saving bandwidth and access latency; In this thesis research, we design a distributed self-stabilizing algorithm to place the caches in MANETs. If a node requests the service, it will search for the service and if that service is located in a node that is at a distance greater than D, then the requested node caches the data. In our algorithm, nodes that cache the same data will be at a distance greater than D. We also describe an algorithm to have the shortest path from the source of the data object to all the nodes that cache the same data in the network. This path is used to update the DATA that is cached in the nodes. We propose the algorithm for a single service or DATA. We can implement this algorithm in parallel for all the services available in the MANET; A self-stabilizing system has the ability to automatically recover to normal behavior in case of transient faults without a centralized control. The proposed algorithm does not require any initialization, that is, starting from an arbitrary state, it is guaranteed to satisfy its specification in finite steps. The protocol can handle various types of faults